Pulmonary Acoustic Sensor Telemetry Array
PASTA, which is an acronym for Pulmonary Acoustic Sensor Telemetry Array, is an Innovation For Health (IFH) grant project between OSF Innovation and Bradley University to design a medical device to aid physicians with performing lung auscultation on patients.
The motivation of PASTA is to aid in remote monitoring and diagnosis of lung sounds. PASTA consists of eight microphones, which are placed on a patient's chest and back, to continuously and remotely record lungs sounds at a sampling frequency of 48 kHz. The raw acoustic data is then passed to an edge-computing device for further analysis, including diagnosis and prognostication tasks. In the first phase, we mainly focused on establishing a proof of concept device that satisfies these preliminary requirements, as well as performing experimental analysis on the prototype.
Our work on the first phase is documented as a journal paper, which is under submission and review for the IEEE Internet of Things Journal.